Software Engineering

🤗 Embedding HuggingFace datasets visualizations with ZenML

Hamza Tahir
Jul 16, 2024
3 mins

Yesterday, Alex pointed me to this tweet from Julien Chaumond, CTO of Huggingface:

Screenshot of a tweet by Julien Chaumond showing off how you can embed the hugging face datasets viewer in any webpage

We instantly thought it would be a good idea to embed the visualization in the ZenML dashboard. As the 🤗 Huggingface team already exposed this embedding functionality as a simple iframe, we could easily do this:

Screenshot showing the HTML code you can use to embed an iframe for a hugging face dataset

See an example on any 🤗 Huggingface dataset

Within a few  hours, we had it reviewed and merged:

Image of the ZenML dashboard with a Hugging Face artifact visualization embedded

🏃 Custom visualizations in ZenML

In ZenML, there is a concept known as a materializer, that takes care of persisting objects to and from artifact storage. The interface is quite simple, and optionally includes a function where users can attach custom visualizations:

class BaseMaterializer(metaclass=BaseMaterializerMeta):
    """Extend this class and associate your object type."""

		# Tuple of types that trigger this materializer

    def load(self, data_type: Type[Any]) -> Any:
        """Write logic here to load the data of an artifact."""

    def save(self, data: Any) -> None:
        """Write logic here to save the data of an artifact.""" 

    def save_visualizations(self, data: Any) -> Dict[str, VisualizationType]:
        """Save visualizations of the given data."""

The materializer interface is extensible, and it’s easy to make custom ones by adding a class to your codebase. For 🤗 Huggingface datasets, there is already a standard materializer that takes care of reading and writing a dataset to and from storage. All that needed to be done was to implement the save_visualizations function.

📢 Note, there are other ways to create custom visualizations in ZenML, but this was the simplest in this case

The save_visualizations function expects us to return a dictionary of key-value pairs, where the key is where the visualization file is stored, and the value is the type of file that we persist. ZenML already supports HTML file types, so the logic was fairly simple. Here is the implementation:

def save_visualizations(
    self, ds: Union[Dataset, DatasetDict]
) -> Dict[str, VisualizationType]:
    """Save visualizations for a Huggingface dataset."""
    visualizations = {}

    if isinstance(ds, Dataset):
        datasets = {"default": ds}
    elif isinstance(ds, DatasetDict):
        datasets = ds
        raise ValueError(f"Unsupported type {type(ds)}")

    for name, dataset in datasets.items():
        # Generate a unique identifier for the dataset
            dataset_id = extract_repo_name(
                [x for x in][0]
            if dataset_id:
                # Create the iframe HTML
                html = f"""

                # Save the HTML to a file
                visualization_path = os.path.join(
                    self.uri, f"{name}_viewer.html"
                with, "w") as f:

                visualizations[visualization_path] = VisualizationType.HTML

    return visualizations

You can see the full implementation materializer implementation here.

And that’s that! Now by returning any 🤗 Huggingface dataset from a ZenML step in a pipeline, the materializer would also embed the viewer within the ZenML dashboard viewer.

How to embed a 🤗 dataset view in ZenML

Here is a simple example in action that embeds the glue dataset:

from zenml import pipeline, step
from datasets import load_dataset
from datasets import Dataset
from zenml.integrations.huggingface.materializers.huggingface_datasets_materializer import HFDatasetMaterializer

@step(enable_cache=False, output_materializers=HFDatasetMaterializer)
def load_huggingface_dataset() -> Dataset:
    # Load a sample dataset from Hugging Face
    dataset = load_dataset("nyu-mll/glue", split="train")
    return dataset

def huggingface_dataset_pipeline():
    dataset = load_huggingface_dataset()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Run the pipeline

Run the above from version 0.62.0 onwards, and you’ll see the following in the ZenML dashboard:

GIF showing the ZenML dashboard UI, navigating to an embedded hugging face dataset

This was a fun two hours to spend on this relatively simple but hopefully popular enhancement to the ZenML Huggingface integration. Give us a star if you like it, or say hi on Slack! Till next time.


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