Compare ZenML vs
Label Studio

Streamline Your ML Workflow with ZenML: From Data Annotation to Deployment

While Label Studio excels as a data annotation tool, ZenML offers a comprehensive solution for end-to-end machine learning workflow orchestration. Discover how ZenML seamlessly integrates with data annotation tools like Label Studio, enabling you to streamline your entire ML pipeline from data preparation to model deployment. With ZenML's intuitive pipeline definition, built-in experiment tracking, model and data versioning, and MLOps integrations, you can efficiently manage your ML workflows and focus on delivering high-quality models. Learn how ZenML complements and extends the capabilities of Label Studio, empowering you to build and deploy ML solutions with ease.
Label Studio

End-to-End ML Workflow Orchestration

  • ZenML provides a comprehensive framework for managing the entire ML workflow, from data ingestion to model deployment.
  • Seamlessly integrate data annotation tools like Label Studio into your ZenML pipelines for a unified workflow.
  • Orchestrate and automate complex ML pipelines with ease using ZenML's intuitive Python-based syntax.
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

Built-in Experiment Tracking and Versioning

  • ZenML offers built-in experiment tracking capabilities to monitor and compare model performance across different runs.
  • Leverage ZenML's native model and data versioning features to ensure reproducibility and traceability throughout your ML workflow.
  • Easily track and version your datasets, including annotated data from Label Studio, for enhanced collaboration and reproducibility.

MLOps and Deployment Automation

  • ZenML streamlines the transition from experimentation to production with its MLOps-focused features and integrations.
  • Automate model deployment and serving using ZenML's pre-built extensions and adapters for popular serving platforms.
  • Implement robust CI/CD pipelines for your ML models, ensuring smooth and reliable deployments.
Dashboard mockup

Feature-by-feature comparison

Explore in Detail What Makes ZenML Unique

Label Studio
Label Studio
Data Annotation Integrates with data annotation tools like Label Studio Provides a user-friendly interface for data annotation
ML Workflow Orchestration Offers end-to-end ML workflow orchestration Focuses primarily on data annotation
Experiment Tracking Built-in experiment tracking and comparison No built-in experiment tracking capabilities
Model Versioning Built-in model versioning and registry No model versioning features
Data Versioning Built-in data versioning capabilities Supports versioning of annotated datasets
MLOps Integration Seamless integration with MLOps tools and platforms Limited MLOps integration capabilities
Deployment Automation Automates model deployment and serving No deployment automation features
Collaborative Workflow Enables collaboration across teams and roles Supports collaborative data annotation
Customization and Extensibility Highly customizable and extensible Provides a flexible and customizable annotation interface
Community and Ecosystem Growing community and ecosystem around ZenML Active community and extensive integrations
Code comparison
ZenML and
Label Studio
side by side
from zenml import pipeline, step
from zenml.integrations import labelstudio

def preprocess_data(raw_data):
    # Preprocess the raw data
    preprocessed_data = ...
    return preprocessed_data

def annotate_data(preprocessed_data):
    # Integrate with Label Studio for data annotation
    annotator = Client.active_stack.annotator
    annotated_data = annotator.launch(...)
    return annotated_data

def train_model(annotated_data):
    # Train the model using annotated data
    model = ...
    return model

def evaluate_model(model, test_data):
    # Evaluate the model performance
    metrics = ...
    return metrics

def ml_pipeline(raw_data, test_data):
    preprocessed_data = preprocess_data(raw_data)
    annotated_data = annotate_data(preprocessed_data)
    model = train_model(annotated_data)
    metrics = evaluate_model(model, test_data)

# Run the pipeline
ml_pipeline(raw_data, test_data)
Label Studio
Label Studio
from label_studio import Project

# Create a Label Studio project
project = Project.create(title='My Annotation Project')

# Import data for annotation
project.import_tasks(['file1.jpg', 'file2.jpg', 'file3.jpg'])

# Invite annotators to the project
project.invite_annotators(['', ''])

# Export annotated data
annotated_data = project.export_tasks()

# Use the annotated data for further processing or model training

End-to-End ML Workflow Management

ZenML provides a comprehensive solution for managing the entire ML workflow, from data annotation to model deployment, while Label Studio focuses primarily on data annotation.

Built-in Experiment Tracking and Versioning

With ZenML's built-in experiment tracking, model versioning, and data versioning capabilities, you can easily monitor and compare model performance, ensure reproducibility, and collaborate effectively across teams.

Seamless MLOps Integration

ZenML offers seamless integration with various MLOps tools and platforms, enabling you to automate and streamline your ML pipeline from experimentation to production.

Extensibility and Customization

ZenML is highly customizable and extensible, allowing you to tailor your ML workflow to your specific requirements and integrate with your preferred tools and frameworks.

Growing Community and Ecosystem

ZenML has a growing community and ecosystem, providing you with resources, support, and opportunities to collaborate with other ML practitioners.

Outperform Orchestrators: Book Your Free ZenML Strategy Talk

Data Annotator
Explore the Advantages of ZenML Over Other
Data Annotator
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Broaden Your MLOps Understanding with ZenML

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Elevate Your ML Workflow with ZenML: From Annotation to Deployment

  • Discover how ZenML seamlessly integrates with Label Studio to streamline your end-to-end ML workflow
  • Leverage ZenML's built-in experiment tracking, model versioning, and data versioning capabilities for reproducible and collaborative ML development
  • Automate and scale your ML pipeline with ZenML's MLOps-focused features and integrations
  • Experience the flexibility and extensibility of ZenML to customize your workflow and integrate with your preferred tools and frameworks
See ZenML's superior model orchestration in action
Discover how ZenML offers more with your existing ML tools
Find out why data security with ZenML outshines the rest
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