Apache Airflow
Orchestrate your ML pipelines on Airflow, without writing a single line of code. Works on any infrastructure of your choice - local, on-premises, or in the cloud.

Run Pipelines in Production with Airflow

ZenML pipelines can be executed natively as Airflow DAGs. This brings together the power of the Airflow orchestration with the ML-specific benefits of ZenML pipelines. Each ZenML step can be run as an Airflow PythonOperator, and executes Airflow natively. Through the integration of Airflow and ZenML, users can benefit from a powerful workflow management system along with tailored ML pipeline functionalities. This collaboration simplifies the management of complex ML workflows, making it a more efficient and scalable solution. It is an ideal choice for teams looking to optimize their machine learning operations with advanced and reliable tools.
Apache Airflow

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