ZenML Blog

The latest news, opinions and technical guides from ZenML.
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1 Min Read

Podcast: Practical Production ML with Emmanuel Ameisen

This week I spoke with Emmanuel Ameisen, a data scientist and ML engineer currently based at Stripe. Emmanuel also wrote an excellent O'Reilly book called 'Building Machine Learning Powered Applications', a book I find myself often returning to for inspiration and that I was pleased to get the chance to reread in preparation for our discussion.
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Tech Startup
16 Mins Read

How we made our integration tests delightful by optimizing the way our GitHub Actions run our test suite

As we outgrew our initial template Github Action workflow, here's the five things we added to our Github Action arsenal to fit our growing needs: Caching, Reusable Workflows, Composite Actions, Comment Triggers and Concurrency Management.
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6 Mins Read

Everything you ever wanted to know about MLOps maturity models

An exploration of some frameworks created by Google and Microsoft that can help think through improvements to how machine learning models get developed and deployed in production.
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1 Min Read

Podcast: From Academia to Industry with Johnny Greco

This week I spoke with Johnny Greco, a data scientist working at Radiology Partners. Johnny transitioned into his current work from a career as an academic — working in astronomy — where also worked in the open-source space to build a really interesting synthetic image data project.
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11 Mins Read

How to painlessly deploy your ML models with ZenML

Connecting model training pipelines to deploying models in production is regarded as a difficult milestone on the way to achieving Machine Learning operations maturity for an organization. ZenML rises to the challenge and introduces a novel approach to continuous model deployment that renders a smooth transition from experimentation to production.
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Tech Startup
8 Mins Read

Richify that CLI!

We recently reworked a number of parts of our CLI interface. Here are some quick wins we implemented along the way that can help you improve how users interact with your CLI via the popular open-source library, rich.
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1 Min Read

Podcast: The Modern Data Stack with Tristan Zajonc

Tristan and Alex discuss where machine learning and AI are headed in terms of the tooling landscape. Tristan outlined a vision of a higher abstraction level, something he's working on making a reality as CEO at Continual.
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6 Mins Read

How to improve your experimentation workflows with MLflow Tracking and ZenML

Use MLflow Tracking to automatically ensure that you're capturing data, metadata and hyperparameters that contribute to how you are training your models. Use the UI interface to compare experiments, and let ZenML handle the boring setup details.
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7 Mins Read

Type hints are good for the soul, or how we use mypy at ZenML

A dive into Python type hinting, how implementing them makes your codebase more robust, and some suggestions on how you might approach adding them into a large legacy codebase.
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